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From Leaks and Rot to Ultimate Roofing Solutions

6499 108 A Street, Delta, BC V4E 1H1

In this case study, Dustin faced roof leaks, rotting siding, faulty flashings, an aging skylight, and worn shingles. We aimed to comprehensively address these issues for lasting protection.
Roof Replacement - from Asphalt Shingle to Asphalt Shingle - 6499 108 A Street, Delta, BC V4E 1H1

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Dustin, our esteemed customer, was confronted with a cascade of roofing issues. Initially, it was the vexing problem of roof leaks that prompted his call. However, our thorough assessment unveiled a more comprehensive set of concerns. The siding had succumbed to rot, incorrect flashings required replacement, the rear skylight had reached the end of its lifespan, and the shingles were in a state of utter disrepair.

The Challenge

The challenge that lay before us was crystal clear – we needed to not only rectify the immediate leaks but also address the underlying structural issues to provide a holistic and enduring solution. Our mission was to ensure that Dustin’s home remained leak-free and secure from future roofing problems.

Why The Client Chose Us?

Dustin’s decision to entrust Vantage Roofing Ltd stemmed from our meticulous roof assessment and the promise of a comprehensive resolution. We assured him that we were capable of tackling all aspects of the project in a single endeavor, instilling confidence that we were the right team for the job.

How We Responded?

In response to Dustin’s pressing needs, we diligently executed a well-communicated plan. Our team replaced the entire roof, expertly re-flashed the rear chimney and skylight, installed a brand-new skylight, rectified the wall and front deck flashings, provided all-new roofing accessories, and strategically installed diverters at the gable ends. Our commitment to quality craftsmanship ensured that the project was completed on time and well within the agreed budget.

The Results?

The culmination of our collective efforts is a high-quality roof that will safeguard Dustin and his family for years to come. The once-troublesome leaks are now a thing of the past, and the home’s exterior has been restored to its former glory. Our unwavering dedication to delivering a comprehensive solution has left Dustin with profound peace of mind, knowing that his cherished home is fortified against the elements.