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Ensuring Future-Proof Roofing Solutions with Vantage Roofing Ltd

2083 Shaughnessy Street, Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 3C4

In this case study, we explore how Vantage Roofing Ltd provided a timely roofing solution for Shaughnessy Housing Corp, preventing potential leaks and ensuring long-term durability.
Roof Replacement - from Asphalt Shingle to Asphalt Shingle - 2083 Shaughnessy Street, Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 3C4

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Shaughnessy Housing Corp’s housing project comprised multiple buildings, all with roofs nearing the end of their lifecycle. With the potential risk of leaks and other issues during the upcoming winter, a timely and efficient roofing solution was paramount. Richard, a general contractor with previous successful engagements with Vantage Roofing Ltd, facilitated the partnership, ensuring that the housing corporation’s needs were met with the highest standards.

The Challenge

The primary challenge was the extensive scope of work required within a limited timeframe. The roofs were severely deteriorated, necessitating complete replacement to prevent imminent leakage problems in the winter. Additionally, several structures had rotten fascia boards that required urgent replacement to maintain structural integrity and aesthetic standards.

Why The Client Chose Us?

Shaughnessy Housing Corp chose Vantage Roofing Ltd for several reasons:

  • Proven Track Record: Richard’s past experiences with Vantage Roofing showcased the company’s ability to deliver exceptional quality and durability in roofing solutions.
  • Competitive Pricing: Vantage Roofing offered competitive pricing, which aligned well with the housing corporation’s budget constraints.
  • Timeliness and Reliability: The ability of Vantage Roofing to manage large-scale projects efficiently made them a preferred choice for the urgent needs of Shaughnessy Housing Corp.

How We Responded?

Vantage Roofing Ltd swiftly mobilized its resources to tackle the project. The initial phase involved replacing one-third of the buildings’ roofs using high-quality Malarkey Vista shingles known for their longevity and resilience. Additionally, all new 26g flashings were installed, and the damaged fascia boards were replaced, enhancing both the functionality and appearance of the buildings.

The Results?

The first phase of the roofing project was completed flawlessly, setting a robust foundation for the remaining work scheduled for the summer. Shaughnessy Housing Corp now boasts a durable and aesthetically pleasing roof that will protect their properties for many years to come. The project not only enhanced the structural integrity of the buildings but also significantly improved their overall aesthetic appeal, ensuring the residents’ safety and satisfaction.