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Successfully Integrating Roof Replacement Within a Strict Renovation Timeline

3257 West 37th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6N 2V3

In this case study, we explore how Vantage Roofing expertly navigated a comprehensive roof replacement for Traslowest, aligning seamlessly with stringent renovation timelines and budget requirements.
Roof Replacement - from Asphalt Shingle to Asphalt Shingle - 3257 West 37th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6N 2V3

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James and Patrick from Traslowest approached Vantage Roofing to undertake a roof replacement for their clients. The project was part of a larger renovation effort, demanding precision and adherence to strict timelines and budget constraints.

The Challenge

The primary challenge was integrating the roof replacement smoothly within the ongoing renovations. It was crucial to complete the roofing project on time and within budget to not disrupt the other renovation activities and financial plans.

Why The Client Chose Us?

Traslowest has been collaborating with Vantage Roofing for several years, relying on our proven track record and trust built through numerous successful projects. Our ability to consistently deliver quality work within the required parameters made us the preferred choice for their roofing needs.

How We Responded?

In response to the project requirements, Vantage Roofing developed and executed a detailed roof replacement plan that aligned with the client’s timeline and budget. Key actions included:

  • Efficient removal of the old roofing material.
  • Professional re-flashing of chimneys and skylights.
  • Installation of new roofing accessories to enhance both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

The Results?

The roofing project was completed successfully, matching the high standards of the overall renovations. The new roof not only enhances the visual appeal of the homes but also provides long-term protection and value, meeting the complete satisfaction of Traslowest and their clients.