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A Comprehensive Roofing Solution by Vantage Roofing Ltd

4017 West 18th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6S 1B9

In this case study, learn how Zoele addressed her home’s inadequate roofing before interior renovations by seeking Vantage Roofing Ltd’s expertise for a critical upgrade.
Roof Replacement - from Rolled Roofing to Rolled Roofing - 4017 West 18th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6S 1B9

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Zoele was preparing to renovate her new home, starting with the interior. However, the existing flat roof, approximately 600 square feet with two outdated skylights, posed a significant risk to her renovation plans. Understanding the importance of a solid and leak-proof roof, Zoele reached out to Vantage Roofing Ltd for a professional assessment and a detailed quote.

The Challenge

The primary challenge was to replace the old roofing system with a solution that would not only last long but also integrate seamlessly with the structural and aesthetic requirements of Zoele’s renovation. The project needed to be completed efficiently to prevent any delays in the subsequent interior renovations.

Why The Client Chose Us?

Zoele chose Vantage Roofing Ltd for our well-known reputation in handling torch-on roofing systems and our transparent communication. Our ability to clearly outline the project scope, cost, and timeline gave her the confidence that her investment would be protected by a team of skilled professionals.

How We Responded?

Upon Zoele’s approval, Vantage Roofing Ltd swiftly put together a comprehensive roof replacement plan. We replaced the existing flat roof with a new 2-ply torch-on system. The project included replacing two custom skylights, installing new drains, and adding new 26g cap flashing around the perimeter and 26g wall flashing. Our team ensured all elements were perfectly aligned with the overall renovation plans, completing the project on time and within the set budget.

The Results?

Zoele now enjoys a brand-new roof that not only enhances the appearance of her home but also provides robust protection against the elements. This new roof safeguards her ongoing renovations and ensures that her investment into her home is secure. Our timely and budget-aligned execution of the roofing project has allowed Zoele to proceed with her interior renovations without delay, bringing her one step closer to realizing her dream home.