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Transforming a Water-Ingress Challenge into a Structurally Sound and Beautiful Roof

535 Blue Mountain Street, Coquitlam, BC V3J 4R2

This study showcases how we effectively addressed the urgent water ingress issues faced by a building managed by Vladimir, delivering a comprehensive re-roofing solution that prioritized both structural integrity and aesthetic value.
Roof Replacement - from Asphalt Shingle to Asphalt Shingle - 535 Blue Mountain Street, Coquitlam, BC V3J 4R2

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Vladimir, who manages the property for Strata NW2247, reached out to us with concerns about ongoing water ingress issues at one of the buildings he oversees. This problem posed a significant challenge, threatening the structural integrity of the property and the well-being of its occupants. Given the urgency of the situation, a comprehensive solution was imperative.

The Challenge

The primary issue facing Strata NW2247 was water ingress that compromised the building’s structure and created safety concerns. The existing asphalt shingle roof had failed to offer the required level of protection, leading to leaks that penetrated the building. To solve this problem, we needed to implement a solution that would not only seal the building from water but also stand the test of time.

Why The Client Chose Us?

Vladimir chose to collaborate with Vantage Roofing based on our strong reputation for high-quality workmanship. We earned the trust of Vladimir and his team through our transparent and effective communication, ensuring that all of their questions were answered in a timely and clear manner. Our proven track record of adhering to both WCB and construction regulations (reference 16.4.1) further cemented their decision to work with us.

How We Responded?

Upon understanding the specific needs and challenges of the project, we created a detailed plan for the roof replacement. Our plan covered:

  • Removing the old roof
  • Cleaning and preparing the work area
  • Installing synthetic underlayment and high-quality IKO Cambridge AR Shingles
  • Adding diverters and capping at strategic locations
  • Abiding by all relevant regulations

After securing approval for the plan, we swiftly executed the roof replacement, ensuring that we met all the stipulated safety and quality standards.

The Results?

The outcome of this project has been immensely satisfying for all stakeholders involved. Strata NW2247 now has a robust and visually pleasing shingle roof that effectively addresses the earlier water ingress issues. Vladimir and his team have expressed their satisfaction with both the process and the final product, lauding the timeliness, professionalism, and quality of work delivered by Vantage Roofing.