Our roofers are insured by a $5 million dollar general liability insurance. Fully compliant & in good standing with WBC.

Transforming a Home's Look with a New Metal Roof

4969 2A Ave, Delta, BC, V4M 3N4

In this case study, we’ll explore how we provided a swift and effective solution to Peter’s need for a new roof. We’ll discuss the project background, the challenge faced by the customer, why Peter chose us, how we responded, and the results of our work.
Roof Replacement - from Rolled Roofing to Metal Roofing - 4969 2A Ave, Delta, BC, V4M 3N4

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Peter was in need of a new roof and wanted to update the look of his home with a metal roof.

The Challenge

The challenge faced by Peter was finding a roofing contractor that had the knowledge and skill to install a new metal roof.

Why The Client Chose Us?

Peter chose us because we were able to demonstrate our expertise in metal roof installation through our past work, references, and conversations.

How We Responded?

We removed and disposed of the old roof and installed a new metal roof for Peter, providing him with a stunning new look for his home.

The Results?

Peter now has a brand new metal roof that not only looks amazing but will also last him a very long time. Our expertise in metal roof installation and commitment to customer satisfaction is demonstrated by the quality of our work and Peter’s satisfaction with our services.