Our roofers are insured by a $5 million dollar general liability insurance. Fully compliant & in good standing with WBC.

Enhancing the Look of Joe's Home with a Durable Metal Roof

3084 E 28th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5R 1S5

In this case study, we’ll discuss how we provided Joe with a top-notch metal roof upgrade that transformed the appearance of his home. We’ll delve into the challenges faced, why Joe chose Vantage Roofing, how we responded, and the excellent results we achieved.
Roof Replacement - from Rolled Roofing to Metal Roofing - 3084 E 28th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5R 1S5

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Joe wanted to upgrade the appearance of his home with a new metal roof. He reached out to us for their expert knowledge and experience in installing metal roofs.

The Challenge

The challenge faced by Joe was finding a reliable and experienced contractor to install his new metal roof.

Why The Client Chose Us?

Joe selected us because he found us online, read our excellent Google reviews, and was impressed by our expertise in metal roofs and our past work.

How We Responded?

We installed a brand new metal roof for Joe using the latest techniques and materials to ensure a long-lasting, high-quality result.

The Results?

Joe’s new metal roof not only enhanced the look of his home but also added a high level of durability and protection. Joe is now confident that his new metal roof will last for many years to come.