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Providing a High-Quality Asphalt Shingle Roof Replacement in Record Time

38 Forbes Ave, North Vancouver, BC V7M 1M2

This case study highlights how we swiftly resolved Nikolina & Béatrice’s roofing issues, addressing challenges and delivering results.
Roof Replacement - from Asphalt Shingle to Asphalt Shingle - 638 Forbes Ave, North Vancouver, BC V7M 1M2

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Project Location: North Vancouver, BC

Nikolina & Béatrice had a leaky roof that needed immediate attention. They had initially signed an agreement with another contractor to replace the roof. However, once the estimate was accepted, the contractor became unresponsive and de-prioritized the customer. Seeking assistance, the customer reached out to a trusted builder they knew, who in turn contacted us.

The Challenge

The challenge faced by Nikolina & Béatrice was two-fold: their roof was leaking, causing potential damage to their property, and they were dealing with an unresponsive contractor who showed little concern for the urgency of the situation.

Why The Client Chose Us?

Nikolina & Béatrice chose us because of the strong recommendation from a builder they trusted. The builder had worked with us for over 10 years and was confident in our ability to deliver high-quality roofing services. We were able to offer a competitive estimate for the same price and scope as the initial contractor and committed to completing the roof replacement in a timely manner.

How We Responded?

Understanding the urgency of the situation, [Your Company Name] prioritized Nikolina & Béatrice’s roof replacement. We provided a competitive estimate for the asphalt shingle roof replacement and completed the work within 10 days of the initial contact, ensuring that the customers’ needs were met promptly and effectively.

The Results?

As a result of our swift response and high-quality work, Nikolina & Béatrice now have a brand new, leak-free roof that will last for 20 years. Their satisfaction with our services demonstrates the value of having a reliable, customer-focused roofing contractor like us.